Okay, unsurprisingly there have been quite a few changes since last we spoke, but they are all improvements for the overall project.
Crowdfunding platform change
I am no longer funding the project through StudentFunder, reasoning:
- It doesn't look like they can meet my August 20th start date
- Their user interface is a bit too restrictive
- I have not had a chance to finish my official application form
which is the platform that I was going to use to fund my second year, as this platform affords you much more freedom.
However, I have also decided to abandon that idea.
Finally, I have settled on using
which is basically the number 2 crowdfunding platform after Kickstarter.
I have switched to indiegogo because:
- It has quite a dynamic user and campaign page interface and offers more options in terms of what you can do with it in regards to other content that you have online, which is going to be a lot with the Miracle of Crowdfunding.
- Flexible funding - even if you do not reach your overall goal, you can keep what you do make n the time span of your project (minus the 9% indiegogo deducts for their fee). But this project WILL reach its goal; hell will freeze over before I allow that not to happen.
- There is no application or approval process. I complete my profile and then it go live - to hell with application forms!
- It aligns with my philosophy of being a bit of an anti-academic/academic rebel. StudentFunder is a bit too cosy in that respect. The success of this project depends on the image it projects and the message that image conveys - mine is doing my own thing.
- Basically, I can do a lot more with indiegogo - I get the best of all worlds!
The project IS going to launch on August 20th - that is an immoveable and essential date. For once I am going to have to meet my deadline.
Plus, this whole change process and the thinking I put into it can be its own little post on The Miracle of Crowdfunding blog.
You see, every negative has its positive and with me every positive has another positive and another positive and another positive...
Pessimism be damned!
That will make a nice title for another blog posts - I am on fire!
Masters Campaign Film Mirco Pitch
I have now scripted a micro campaign pitch that will take place within and form a cohesive part of the film's opening montage.
In addition to teasing the rest of the video, the first minute will pitch the entirety of the Miracle of Crowdfunding project, so if people do not wish to watch the whole thing, then they do not have to, but to ensure they watch the first minute at least (and then stay to watch the entirety of it), the videos static image will be something along the lines of the following:
We'll shoot it in my room with me talking into from same angle as the final shot in the script, so that the film has an overal bookendedness to it.
Video campaign package - update
In addition to their being 30 micro sting videos for each day, there will also be thirteen major videos released over the course of those 30 days and released in the following order:
- Miracle Masters Me - The Teaser of the Miracle of Crowdfuding [this will be released prior to the 20th August start of te campaign].
- The Miracle of Crowdfunding - A Masters Campaign Film [this will be released on day 1].
- Crowdfunding Potential - The Example of the Miracle of Crowdfunding
- Crowdfudning Revealed - The Research of the Miracle of Crowdfunding
- Crowdfunding Goal - The Masterplan of the Miracle of Crowdfunding
- Crowdfunding Failure - The Longevity of the Miracle of Crowdfunding
- A Day in the Life of the Box - The Reality of the Miracle of Crowdfunding
- Crowdfunding Aspirations - The Dream of the Miracle of Crowdfunding [CRUCIALLY, this will be released on day 20]
- Making a Masters Campaign Package - The Making of the Miracle of Crowdfunding, Part 1
- Let's do it again - the Bloopers of the Miracle of Crowdfunding
- I've made some changes - the Alternatives of the Miracle of Crowdfunding
- Re-making a Masters Campaign Film - The Making of the Miracle of Crowdfunding, Part 2
- The Miracle Realised - The Conclusion of the Miracle of Crowdfunding
Most of these are the same from the last time I laid them out.
The only differences are:
- Replacing Crowdfunding Incentives - The Perks of the Miracle of Crowdfunding with Crowdfunding Failure - The Longevity of the Miracle of Crowdfunding.
- Each of the campaign perks will be outlined on the indiegogo campaign page and with each have their own page of the MiracleMaster.me Miracle of Crowdfunding website. There will also be a blog post in which I will discuss the thinking behind them, BUT I may yet do it as a video, as I was going to shoot it on my own in my room anyway, so we'll see.
- Crowdfunding Failure - The Longevity of the Miracle of Crowdfunding is just a video of me in my room talking about the longevity and usefulness of this overall project, even if it is a failure, it's not going to be, but the longevity of online projects (the reason why I put the entirety of EYES online) is worth considering. I will also shoot The Miracle Unrealised material (for the conclusion video) with this, as it will put me in the right frame of mind to do so.
- A Day in the Life of the Box - The Reality of the Miracle of Crowdfunding. This is exactly what it says on the tin - a video that outlines an average work hard day in my box room. The spine of which I shot today, here is one of the takes:
This video is actually 11:00, but it appears to only have uploaded 06:00.
Anyway have a watch as we are going to need to shoot some cutaway material illustrating what I talk here when you go over to shoot the rest of the other primary film and teaser and conclusion material. I ahve already complied a list of some of the shots I need for this (some of which I can get on my own), but others I will need assistance, but have a watch and see if you have any ideas.
- Crowdfunding Aspirations - The Dream of the Miracle of Crowdfunding. This one - the one we are going to shoot up at the University of Bath - is going to be released on Day 20, because unlike the videos that preceeded it, this is one is going to be very emotion-centric and deal directly with the primary motivation and need behind the Miracle of Crowdfunding.
- The last 10 days of any crowdfunding project are ALWAYS when the majority of the funds roll in, so we need to provide a strong incentive for that to happen - you have to think about the last 10 days of the final act of a film.
- The tone of this one is going to be closer to that of the first primary campaign. If the videos inbetween are more factual videos essays, this one is more of a documentary story.
- It is a character study that is going to tie into the story and thinking behind EYES, which is why the filming tomorrow at the Weir is so incredibly crucial...
Bath Lower Weir - Making a Master Campaign Package - The Making of the Miracle of Crowdfunding, Part 1
First up, if you have not already done so, watch the following two videos...
We are going to need to recreate some of the weir shots tomorrow, firstly because of the
We are going to shoot Making a Masters Campaign first, so that I can visually tie it into the EYES footage I am going to cut in and use the EYES web series concept proposal package as a whole to explain how it was the model for the Miracle of Crowdfunding package and to explain how the overall thing came together
We'll do it a bit like the location vlog video above.
Basically, I don't know, so we'll have a play around tomorrow - shoot enough of me explaining the thinking, the making and the evolution of the overall Miracle package and then get loads of cutaways to use as well.
Bath Lower Weir - The importance of water & The Dream of the Miracle of Crowdfunding
I had an ephiphany this afternoon which is why I changed my mind about shooting in Bristol tomorrow.
The point of the The Dream of the Miracle of Crowdfunding is it exposes the driving force behind everything and I was thinking about how I could start it and then I thought I could describe the anxiety I had all the way through my final year - that was also a recurrent nightmare:
I was on a ship sailing across the ocean, eveything was going great... and then I fell of the edge of the world
a.k.a. I was burning through my final year, excelling at everything... and then I graduated.
I thought - that's great, how the hell would I show that visually...
... and then it occurred to me, I had already done it in my final year. I need some form of moving water with a votex waterfall iconongraphy - the weir! I had already visualised that anxiety in EYES and as I always described EYES "EYES is a story about the subtext" - my subtext.
Anyhow, all of the ideas I have will take too long to explain here, but surfice to say everything is connected and the footage we get at Weir is crucial!
University of Bath filming - The Dream of the Miracle of Crowdfunding
Okay, we need to grab the following:
- Shots of the Sham Castle and shots of me staring up at the sha castle - this is a 5 minute walk from the uni
- There is a field in between which will be perfect to grab the dialogue for the money shot in the Masters Campaign Film.
- A shot of me sat on the bench on the university campus telling the story and supplying the spine of the video
- Many cutaway shots of the immediate area around the bench and anything else we think will be of use in illustrating and bring visual meaning to what I say.
The bits inbetween
I have been watching through The Example and The Masterplan videos we have already shot and have made notes of the points I forget to say.
Therefore, instead of reshooting each interview, we shoot micro clips of me saying each of the points I missed, like they are passing remarks/behind-the-scene esque stuff and I will cut them in later.
We see what we can get tomorrow and the rest I can always do in my room.
The best part
I am going to buy you a pint tomorrow!
I have been rejigging the Masters Campaign Film in the edit and I have thought of a way to really hammer hone the point of anyone being able to spare £5, not long after I say that in the film when I say:
"Potential empowering potential."
cut in:
shot of me handing £5 to bar person
cut to:
Bar person giving me a pint, me turning towards camera and holding the pint up to camera.
cut to:
shot of you holding fig rig with DSLR, bring the pint into shot and showing a gesture of cheers
Sheer poetry.
Put the batteries on charge.
Get a good nights sleep
And I will see you bright and early tomorrow morning.
I will ring you when I get into Bath, so keep yor phone on and close by!
And I going to make some more lists now, so that I know what to say tomorrow...
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