Friday 6 February 2015

The National Identity of Charlie Chaplin

Because Chaplin spent just under forty years living in the USA, defining his national identity according to his genetic heritage is no good! We have to go much deeper and include a wider cultural context…

I researched and hosted this presentation for one of the first year assignments of my BA (Hons) in Film and Screen Studies in 2010. Ultimately, it was awarded an 80 and has gone on to be quite a highly regarded presentation at the university.  

In this presentation I examine the complexities surrounding Charlie Chaplin's national identity and consider how his case serves as an example of the larger problems of singular national identities in today's world of multiculturalism.

Certain materials in the presentation have been used under fair use for educational purposes only. 

However, if you are not able to watch the presentation here try watching it directly on YouTube. I have filed a dispute claim in which I state that I am not breaking the parameters of Fair Use. However, time will tell whether or not YouTube allow me to keep this presentation on their platform.

If you still can not view the presentation, you can view the presentation slides below...

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