started out as just a simple status update on Facebook and then I ended up writing
over 1000 words, so I figured I might as well put it on my blog. I will publish a revised version of this post as a review once I've seen the film a second time.
Skyfall is a VERY good Bond film, but it is by no means the best Bond film!
Skyfall is a VERY good Bond film, but it is by no means the best Bond film!
The best Bond film is still Casino Royale (2006), which is a wonderful example
of adapting a novel by completely updating the story, but only within
how the material of the novel would dictate
it and, therefore, still remaining faithful to the original novel and
the original James Bond “blunt instrument” character as created by Ian
Fleming. Ultimately, Casino Royale has a solid script and is a film with
very few flaws; It is an engaging and complex cinematic experience
which presents the Bond character as originally conceived by Fleming and
as rarely depicted in any of the previous films (Connery is not the
best Bond - read one of the novels and you’ll realise this).
Bond returns from the dead. |
Bond dies. |
Skyfall isn’t based on a novel, there are unused elements from two of the novels: You Only Live Twice and The Man with the Golden Gun which are used in the first act of Skyfall, but aside from that the script is an original creation. It doesn’t completely feel like something Ian Fleming would have written but it is certainly stepping in the right direction, if not along the exact same path Fleming would have taken.
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We see a side of Bond we've not seen before. |
Daniel Craig continues to shoulder Bond to his
usual high standard and he does it as close to Fleming’s intentions as
today’s attitudes towards the character will allow. Craig again shows us
a side of Bond we’ve not seen before and has some “interesting”
interaction with Bardem’s Silva, which I’m amazed it’s taken the
filmmaker’s this long to include in a Bond film - seeing how it’s
something Fleming hints at in nearly all of the villains in the novels!
Silva and Bond have some "interesting" interactions. |
Javier Bardem is wonderful as the villain (he’s a lot like the Joker)
and is completely underused - he needed more screen time! He’s a nice
blend of the post-90s and pre-90s Bond villains (I won’t say anymore).
Bérénice Lim Marlohe as Sévérine. |
Naomie Harris as Eve. |
The two Bond girls, Severine and Eve, both shift against the grain and
come across as more complex and interesting than any of the pre-Craig or
pre-90s Bond girls and, thankfully, more so than Fleming’s cardboard
cutouts (there are a couple of exceptions). Again, though, the Bond girl
element was slightly underused and would have benefitted from a bit
more screen time and juxtapositioning against Craig’s Bond.
The Joker intended to get caught. |
The latter half of the second act is actually a very close copy of a
section of the The Dark Knight and there is even a line of explanatory
dialogue which is almost a complete copy of an explanatory line
Commissioner Gordon says! But it works for the film and creates a very
thrilling sequence which leads logically into the next and vastly
superior stage of the film.
The visuals are spectacular and
the whole film is beautifully shot! We get lots of London (finally, the
filmmaker’s have got past their resistance of having a Bond film that
mostly takes place within the UK). Just watch the film - the visuals
speak for themselves.
There is this absolutely stupid fight scene in a pit with shamefully bad CGI (You’ll know what it is because it’s sticks out like a great big sign saying: “Look at me, I’m CGI and because I look crap you know I’m CGI.” ). The scene is completely redundant and only serves one purpose: to provide the punchline to one of Q’s gadgets which, let’s be honest, Bond doesn’t really possess for long and doesn’t really need. There is only one place this scene belongs and that is on the cutting room floor! They should just have had Bond knock the goons out, straighten his bow tie, walk off camera - cut to the next scene.
There is this absolutely stupid fight scene in a pit with shamefully bad CGI (You’ll know what it is because it’s sticks out like a great big sign saying: “Look at me, I’m CGI and because I look crap you know I’m CGI.” ). The scene is completely redundant and only serves one purpose: to provide the punchline to one of Q’s gadgets which, let’s be honest, Bond doesn’t really possess for long and doesn’t really need. There is only one place this scene belongs and that is on the cutting room floor! They should just have had Bond knock the goons out, straighten his bow tie, walk off camera - cut to the next scene.
It's not the one you would expect - but it still makes for a nice surprise. |
The DB5 is back! It’s not the one you would
expect to be back and you may not see it fitting comfortably into the
film, but I can buy Bond having a bit of a tinkering with it (Fleming
himself liked his gadgets).
The title song is very well done - it definitely conveys the tone of the film with a very overt Bond-esque-ness. I’m actually glad I refrained from listening to it until I saw the film; it was so much better to experience it as featured in the film.
The title song is very well done - it definitely conveys the tone of the film with a very overt Bond-esque-ness. I’m actually glad I refrained from listening to it until I saw the film; it was so much better to experience it as featured in the film.
Adele tweeted this picture during the film's postproduction. |
Also, the title sequence - WOW! I'm glad to see
they're still putting considerable effort into what will soon be an
extinct component of the motion picture (except in the Bond films, of
The script still needed some work - there are areas of the film that could have done with being expanded on and explored more. The first act could have used more work to fill in some quite significant gaps. The dialogue is a bit too overtly explanative in places.
The script still needed some work - there are areas of the film that could have done with being expanded on and explored more. The first act could have used more work to fill in some quite significant gaps. The dialogue is a bit too overtly explanative in places.
Skyfall Lodge burns. |
While providing the conclusion to the film, the final
acts feels almost like its own separate entity and allows you a bit of
thinking time; as well as re-establishing who and what Bond is. It’s not
completely perfect (again, the script needed some work here and Bardem
needed more to do), but visually and thematically it’s incredibly
satisfying - it looks and feels like nothing you’ve seen or would expect
to see in a Bond film and yet it provides an ideal catharsis for the
film and the Bond character. This final act is definitely one of the
film’s redeeming features.
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The BFI IMAX, where I saw Skyfall. |
And IMAX? Bond and IMAX were made for each other! These two are going to have a very prosperous future together.
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IMAX poster. |
Skyfall is a hugely entertaining, visually stunning and topical film
that sits nicely in the times we live in; while reminding us not to
abandon all the values that have benefited and protected us in the past.
The film is definitely a step-up from Quantum of Solace and well on its
way to being another Casino Royale; even if it doesn’t quite top it, it
still makes for a good companion piece. The film is very much an
analysis, an appreciation and a re-establishment of the Bond formula and
nicely sets the franchise up for what will presumably be another fifty
years of everything epitomised in that famously simple line: “Bond...
James Bond.”
James Bond will return. |
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